360 Feedback Exercise

Sometimes the best way to get feedback is to directly ask for it. Being open and expressing the desire to learn more about ourselves, our work, or the world around us by asking for input from others is always an attractive quality. That doesn't mean turning our problems or decisions over to others . . . or even agreeing with their input. It does mean genuinely being interested in their viewpoint.

We all have "blind spots" that prevent us from seeing a part of us or the outcome of our actions. Getting feedback from multiple sources and perspectives can help us see ourselves and our results more completely. That's why we call it 360 degree feedback. Examples of good sources of feeback can include our family, friends, co-workers, and others that come in contact with us. In general, the more specific and direct the feedback -- the better.

Please tell us who you can ask for feedback to learn more about yourself or the outcome of your actions by filling out the form below and adding the information to your portfolio of results. You can also revisit this exercise anytime.

Your email: 

Your name: 

Feedback source #1: 
Relationship:   Family   Friends   Colleague   Peer   Mentor   Coach   Other
What do you want to know about?: 

Feedback source #2: 
Relationship:   Family   Friends   Colleague   Peer   Mentor   Coach   Other
What do you want to know about?: 

Feedback source #3: 
Relationship:   Family   Friends   Colleague   Peer   Mentor   Coach   Other
What do you want to know about?: 


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