Events Exercise

Another good thing to think about is upcoming events that might be great opportunities to connect with people that can benefit from our work. Since these events obviously have their own time constraints, continually scanning for relevant events that fall inside our planning horizon is a good way to take advantage of these opportunities. Again, the more we can connect with people that might be able to benefit from our best work -- the better.

Brainstorm events that are likely to attract people that might have needs you can satisfy. Please tell us about the events you will try to attend by filling out the form below and adding the information to your plan. You can also revisit this exercise anytime.

Your email: 

Your name: 

Event Name #1:  Your objective: 

Event Name #2:  Your objective: 

Event Name #3:  Your objective: 

Event Name #4:  Your objective: 

Event Name #5:  Your objective: 


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