External Resources Exercise

Now that we've turned our obstacles into opportunities, we can focus on other external resources we can tap to help turn our vision into reality. These external resources can take a variety of forms -- and are often found by connecting with others that can benefit from our work. While not as powerful or flexible or dependable as internal resources (education, experience, knowledge, etc.), external resources can leverage our efforts.

Please describe any external resources you will be able to use by filling out the form below and adding the information to your plan. You can also revisit this exercise anytime.

Your email: 

Your name: 

External resource #1: 
Resource type:   Money   Equipment   Facility   Services   Information   Other

External resource #2: 
Resource type:   Money   Equipment   Facility   Services   Information   Other

External resource #3: 
Resource type:   Money   Equipment   Facility   Services   Information   Other


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